Sunday, February 17, 2008

I've been tagged!

Here goes...

Seven random, quirky facts about yours truly:

1. I wrote the "dawn of the new millennium" cover story for a newspaper on Jan. 1, 2000. I watched the ball drop, noticed that Y2K didn't blow up the world, and knocked out the story.
2. I have a Star Trek uniform somewhere in my closet.
3. I can type my name in upside-down numbers on a calculator.
4. I took eight years of Spanish classes and still like to listen to Latin music. I'd like to pursue a master's in Spanish or Romance languages some day.
5. I love TV documentaries, and the more weird they are, the better. One of my favorite series is "Modern Marvels" on the History Channel. They actually did a one-hour special on cheese. Fascinating.
6. Astronomy is of big interest to me. I used to be secretary of an astronomy club and a card-carrying member of the Planetary Society.
7. Once got an autograph from baseball legend Stan Musial -- only to lose it.

I was tagged by
Docs Locks

I tag:

Tagging Instructions:
1. Post seven random, quirky facts about yourself
2. Link to the person who tagged you.
3. Post the instructions on your blog (done here!).
4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. They cannot have been tagged before.
5. You must notify the people you tag by leaving a comment on their blog.

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